Swamy, Raju Narayana

An analysis of Sakshar Bharat in the context of tribal education - 2010 - p.406-424. - Jul-Sep

Belonging to lower castes continues to exert a powerful influence on the attainment of socio-economic well being for people of India. This is reflected in almost all the social and economic development indicators for scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes in India vis-a-vis the rest of the population. It is in this context of wide regional disparities and programmes failing to achieve the mandatory targets that approaches need a fresh relook and innovations are called for. For the sake of redefining in the tribal context a deeper understanding of the major hurdles in the lagging up of education of these communities is also required. This includes a public debate on the relationship between cultural and educational goals with a view to come to terms with question of cultural hybridity and cultural difference and a host of epistemological and ethical issues. - Reproduced.
